Lovingly dedicated to Shadow

Monday, November 29, 2010

Limp Tail

Was reading an interesting bit about a common tail malady on another blog...

From the blog 'Lab Tails' (pun definitely intended)  


Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Snow of the Season

Judah meets his first Jack Russell

Judah met a new friend today. His name is Cosmo, a feisty seven year old Jack Russell Terrier with a passion for playing ball! He continues chasing and delivering the ball with the intensity of a special forces officer on a mission of national importance, playing with persistence til he's all tuckered out. Eventually, ready for some well deserved R&R, he jumps up onto the back of his sofa, his preferred sentry post, and carefully inspects the front yard. If all is calm, but for the family of chick-a-dees at the bird feeder, he finally settles down for a little snooze.

The Fantasy

The Reality

Christmas Safety & Your Dog

Check out a couple of articles here:


and also...


Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's in a Name? From 'All Labs' History of Labradors (see link)

Some of the many names used over the centuries to refer to the lab and its ancestors:
  • St. John's Dog
  • Lesser St. John's Dog
  • Newfoundland Dog
  • Lesser Newfoundland Dog
  • Little Newfoundlanders
  • Newfoundland Water Dog
  • Labrador Dogs
  • St. John's Labrador Dogs
  • Black Water Dog
  • Lesser Labrador 
  • Smaller Labrador 
  • English Retriever 
  • English Labrador

Baby Brother Boon

Judah in the lead, Boon next in line, Nix bringing up the rear.
Boon lives next door so they get to visit often. Judah and he look a lot alike. Boon is just under a year old, a few pounds lighter, and his coat has more of a tint of cinnamon, where Judah's is a richer brown. From a distance it's hard to tell them apart. When they play together, it's easy to tell who's who. Judah retrieves anything thrown. Boon chases and apprehends anything thrown, and initiates a game of keep away with it. Judah will chase him and wrestle him for the prize, especially if it's a bucket or his beloved plastic waste can, but for just so long. Then he'll go for a different toy, because Judah takes the 'retrieve' in Retriever very seriously. He looks at his younger brother as if to say, "Don't you get it? You have to bring it back to the humans!". 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dave Barry Quote

"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'"
- Dave Barry

DOGS Matthew Van Fleet Matthew Van Fleet (Author), Brian Stanton (Photographer)

Cute interactive children's book!

Dogs Decoded: Nova clip

Dogs Decoded: Nova

Watched this recently on Netflix. Highly recommended by me.


     Shadow was known in his younger days as a cat hating dog. Maybe this was the Dalmation part of his blood, since I know Labs are not aggressive. When we brought Vincent home as a six week old kitten, nearby relatives shook their heads in disbelief, and warned us the cat would surely die. A few weeks later the gray ball of kitten would sleep soundly cuddled up beside his very own silky old Black Lab. Very sweet. Vincent searched for his friend for a quite while once Shadow was gone.

     When we first got Judah, his buddy, Tank, was also spending the week with us. Vincent, no longer a kitten, was not impressed with either of these dogs, and set up emergency headquarters on the bar between the kitchen and the living room, lounging near his food and water bowls, spending the majority of his time there, perched safely, and on the lookout.  He relaxed a little once the canine population dwindled to one, allowing Judah to sniff him over, with no apparent objection. They're nothing like napping together yet, but as long as he isn't being chased, Vincent is barely even hissing at Judah any longer. Judah usually remembers not to chase him.

Kitten Still Loves Puppy

Dog & Cat

Monday, November 15, 2010

Are Dogs Good For Your Health?

The love of a dog is unconditional. You walk out the door for five minutes or less, return to a happily wagging tail, because they 'missed' you! Who does not love that about dogs? How could this not cheer you up? I'm just posting a few links that feature articles on how owning a pet is good for you. I was especially surprised about babies that live with pets tend to develop fewer allergies!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Judah's Best Buddy, Tank

Tank is Judah's Pit Bull buddy.  They get along nicely. Judah doesn't care if Tank shares his food and water, as long as he doesn't go after his favorite toy: the plastic wastecan. Tank is the highest jumping, most wildy twisting, flipping in mid air pit bull I have ever met. He is pictured here trying to overcome his desire to chew on rocks, (not). He thought he could get away with it while his owner was away. He has that, "Oh crap, I got caught" look, trying to smile it off.

Can you change a two year old dog's name?

      His name was "Junior", most often pronounced with a strong Maine accent, as "Joonyah". No offense to all you Junior's out there, but I could not bring myself to call this sweet doggy guy 'Junior', with or without the accent. It didn't feel right. Since we adopted him at the age of two, I did want to choose something similar, although I found this quote on a forum on Dogsey, posted by Hali, in answer to the question, 'Can you change a dog's name?',
"Yes, you can, very easily, at any age;
Kip, who was probably about 8 years old when we rescued him, had no known history, so we didn't know his previous name.
Stumpy (about 3 years old when we got her) had been called Isla in the shelter for 4 months, but her previous name was unknown..."  So I guess I didn't need to worry.

      A lot of people also mentioned using treats when you start using the new name. I did. I had no problem having him answer to Judah, pretty much immediately. It seemed like a good choice, definition being, 'praised', something which he of course is very fond of.  Seems like all roads lead back to Shakespeare, " What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." from Romeo and Juliet

In loving memory of Shadow

We had a sad parting with Shadow a few months ago. He was a black lab, dalmation mix. He lived to be 16 years old. He was a good old doggy.  He is pictured here last Christmas, 2009. We miss him!

Our home just became a little more 'homier', (Lucy adds, 'happier') when Judah moved in recently. Judah, is two years old and we adopted him a week and a half ago. He is not a replacement dog; No two dogs can have the same place in your heart. He makes the house feel warmer though, in a waggy way. We are creating this blog to celebrate our new family member, Judah, and keep track of new memories here. We are dedicating this space to the memory of Shadow. A dog loved by many in the family over the years.