Lovingly dedicated to Shadow

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baby Brother Boon

Judah in the lead, Boon next in line, Nix bringing up the rear.
Boon lives next door so they get to visit often. Judah and he look a lot alike. Boon is just under a year old, a few pounds lighter, and his coat has more of a tint of cinnamon, where Judah's is a richer brown. From a distance it's hard to tell them apart. When they play together, it's easy to tell who's who. Judah retrieves anything thrown. Boon chases and apprehends anything thrown, and initiates a game of keep away with it. Judah will chase him and wrestle him for the prize, especially if it's a bucket or his beloved plastic waste can, but for just so long. Then he'll go for a different toy, because Judah takes the 'retrieve' in Retriever very seriously. He looks at his younger brother as if to say, "Don't you get it? You have to bring it back to the humans!". 

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