Lovingly dedicated to Shadow

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


     Shadow was known in his younger days as a cat hating dog. Maybe this was the Dalmation part of his blood, since I know Labs are not aggressive. When we brought Vincent home as a six week old kitten, nearby relatives shook their heads in disbelief, and warned us the cat would surely die. A few weeks later the gray ball of kitten would sleep soundly cuddled up beside his very own silky old Black Lab. Very sweet. Vincent searched for his friend for a quite while once Shadow was gone.

     When we first got Judah, his buddy, Tank, was also spending the week with us. Vincent, no longer a kitten, was not impressed with either of these dogs, and set up emergency headquarters on the bar between the kitchen and the living room, lounging near his food and water bowls, spending the majority of his time there, perched safely, and on the lookout.  He relaxed a little once the canine population dwindled to one, allowing Judah to sniff him over, with no apparent objection. They're nothing like napping together yet, but as long as he isn't being chased, Vincent is barely even hissing at Judah any longer. Judah usually remembers not to chase him.

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