Lovingly dedicated to Shadow

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can you change a two year old dog's name?

      His name was "Junior", most often pronounced with a strong Maine accent, as "Joonyah". No offense to all you Junior's out there, but I could not bring myself to call this sweet doggy guy 'Junior', with or without the accent. It didn't feel right. Since we adopted him at the age of two, I did want to choose something similar, although I found this quote on a forum on Dogsey, posted by Hali, in answer to the question, 'Can you change a dog's name?',
"Yes, you can, very easily, at any age;
Kip, who was probably about 8 years old when we rescued him, had no known history, so we didn't know his previous name.
Stumpy (about 3 years old when we got her) had been called Isla in the shelter for 4 months, but her previous name was unknown..."  So I guess I didn't need to worry.

      A lot of people also mentioned using treats when you start using the new name. I did. I had no problem having him answer to Judah, pretty much immediately. It seemed like a good choice, definition being, 'praised', something which he of course is very fond of.  Seems like all roads lead back to Shakespeare, " What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." from Romeo and Juliet

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